Tuesday, March 10, 2009

FREE CARWASH for donating to national MS society!!!

First of all, I strongly suggest you use the GATOR WASH on 1300 w. 7800 s. in West Jordan when you need your car washed right. However, I am offering this unique oppurtunity to get your car washed by Lesha and Freeman Springer when you donate a few bucks to fight MS (multiple sclerosis) during the months of March and April. To take advantage of this special offer, email me at blspringer@gmail.com and I will send you the link to donate online. It is really easy and only takes about 2 minutes. You can contribute any amount, but anything in the $5 or $10 range is what I'm looking for and would really be appreciated. All the money goes to the National MS Society, which uses it to fund research to find ways to combat and eventually find a cure for this disease. My cousins Julie, Chris and their family are experiencing the trials that MS can present firsthand, and that is especially why I'm trying to help out with their annual fundraiser. So to get the special "Le and Free Carwash" and contribute to a good cause, please let me know.

1 comment:

Sushi-Mama said...

Awww, you guys are so AWESOME! Thank you for all the money you raised, all the hard work, and for getting the word out there. I love the car wash idea! I think we might need to do that next year. Many Blessings to you all. . . Love Ya!